I have to admit to laughing out loud when I saw the IESG's announcement. Why? 
What is more important: cycling out Experimental RFC's or promoting Proposed 
Standards to Internet Standards?

Do I hear chirping in the audience?  If we need to focus "spare cycles" 
anywhere, I would offer progressing documents would be much more valuable than 
writing an Informational RFC that no one will read saying that an Experimental 
RFC that no one is reading should not be read.

On Apr 20, 2012, at 9:19 AM, Brian E Carpenter wrote:

> On 2012-04-19 23:27, Ronald Bonica wrote:
> ...
>> I think that this is a case-by-case judgment call. In some cases (e.g., RFC 
>> 1475), the experiment is clearly over. IMO, allowing RFC 1475 to retain 
>> EXPERIMENTAL status detracts from the credibility of current experiments 
>> that share the label.
> I agree that it is case by case, so I don't really see the value in the
> IESG statement. If it's appropriate to write an experiment-terminating
> RFC, do so; if it's inappropriate, don't bother. That doesn't need
> any new legislation.
>    Brian

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