>>>>> "Martin" == Martin Rex <m...@sap.com> writes:

    Martin> Joel jaeggli wrote:
> Michael StJohns wrote:
> >
> > Martin - you and everyone else in the room gave permission by being
    >> in > the room.  That's what the NOTE WELL is all about.  So no,
    >> not illegal.
    >> Specifically every registered attendee has accepted during the
    >> registration process the note-well.

    Martin> You're completely misled.

    Martin> In Germany (and probably all over Europe) that part of note
    Martin> well will not apply to the rights about your own
    Martin> picture/portrait.

    Martin> To obtain such a right, a seperate explicit and voluntary
    Martin> consent is required.  That is a privilege guaranteed by law.

There may be additional legal issues.  However, for at least one issue,
the European data Protection law comes into play in significant ways.  I
recommend the presentation from last SAAG.  In particular I recommend
focusing on the part of that presentation about consent. There are
significant limitations to consent especially when someone must consent
to do their job.

So, from what I know about European law, I'd have significant concerns
about whether   the note-well is sufficient for John's purpose.

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