On Apr 27, 2012, at 6:05 PM, Carsten Bormann wrote:

> On Apr 27, 2012, at 16:41, Yoav Nir wrote:
>> Before 1950    2.9%
>> 1950 - 1960   16.6%
>> 1961 - 1970   33.7%
>> 1971 - 1980   32.8%
>> After 1980    14.0%
> Nice bell curve, יואב, but you can't pop that soap bubble of perception with 
> the bluntness of raw data :-)

Only 350 out of 1200 people answered the survey, so all caveats about bias 
apply. It's also possible that the 20-somethings tend to sit in the back more, 
and go to the microphone less. Maybe them young'uns are too busy clicking 
"Like" on pictures of LOL-cats :-)

> Maybe just the areas where PHB likes to work in are growing old? :-)

The old people in the security area do tend to look older than the old people 
in other areas. Maybe the bell curve for the security area is different.

> Many of the people doing the real work in CoRE are in their 20s, or have left 
> that age range just recently.  And no, they aren't all academics.  I think we 
> have a healthy age mix, with some pretty good gray-haired input as well.
> I'm going to argue for an age column on the blue sheets so we get better data 
> :-)
> Grüße, Carsten
> PS.: Please, don't take any of this seriously.  Except for the CoRE age 
> statistics.
> Dave Cridland's observations also definitely don't apply to CoRE, except that 
> we do have the stunning range of experience that makes the IETF so valuable.
> PPS.: Is the overall median really 42?

Wait a couple of years, and most participants won't get why "42" is funny.

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