WIll the IPFIX and MIB  work also be usable by v4 to v4 NATs?

On May 15, 2012, at 11:53 AM, IESG Secretary wrote:

> A modified charter has been submitted for the Behavior Engineering for 
> Hindrance Avoidance (behave) working group in the Transport Area of the IETF. 
>  The IESG has not made any determination as yet.  The modified charter is 
> provided below for informational purposes only.  Please send your comments to 
> the IESG mailing list (i...@ietf.org) by Tuesday, May 22, 2012.
> Behavior Engineering for Hindrance Avoidance (behave)
> -----------------------------------------------------
> Current Status: Active
> Last updated: 2012-05-10
> Chairs:
>     Dan Wing <dw...@cisco.com>
>     Dave Thaler <dtha...@microsoft.com>
> Transport Area Directors:
>     Wesley Eddy <w...@mti-systems.com>
>     Martin Stiemerling <martin.stiemerl...@neclab.eu>
> Transport Area Advisor:
>     Wesley Eddy <w...@mti-systems.com>
> Mailing Lists:
>     General Discussion: beh...@ietf.org
>     To Subscribe:       https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/behave
>     Archive:            http://www.ietf.org/mail-archive/web/behave
> Description of Working Group
> The working group creates documents to enable IPv4/IPv4 and IPv6/IPv4
> NATs to function in as deterministic a fashion as possible.
> To support deployments where communicating hosts require using
> different address families (IPv4 or IPv6), address family translation is
> needed to establish communication. In BEHAVE's specification work on
> this topic it will coordinate with the V6ops WG on requirements and
> operational considerations.
> "An IPv4 network" or "an IPv6 network" in the descriptions below refer
> to a network with a clearly identifiable administrative domain (e.g., an
> enterprise campus network, a mobile operator's cellular network, a
> residential subscriber network, etc.). It will also be that network that
> deploys the necessary equipment for translation.
> BEHAVE will finish four scenarios: (1) An IPv6 network to IPv4
> Internet, (2) an IPv6 Internet to an IPv4 network, (3) an IPv6 network
> to an IPv4 network, and (4) an IPv4 network to an IPv6 network.
> Specifically, BEHAVE will update the NAT MIB (RFC 4008) to be
> consistent with the management aspects of its IPv6/IPv4 NAT solutions,
> and specify IPFIX information elements to meet logging requirements,
> reusing existing elements, if possible. 
> In addition, when a NAT (such as a NAT64 in the "An IPv6 network to
> IPv4 Internet" scenario) serves multiple subscribers, inter-subscriber
> fairness issues arise.  As such, BEHAVE will complete its work on
> Carrier Grade NAT requirements for such scenarios, and update the NAT
> MIB as needed to meet such requirements.  BEHAVE will not, however,
> standardize IPv4-specific behavioral mechanisms.
> The following scenarios remain in scope for discussion, but will not be
> solved by BEHAVE:
> * An IPv4 network to IPv6 Internet, i.e. perform translation between
> IPv4 and IPv6 for packets in uni- or bi-directional flows that are
> initiated from an IPv4 host towards an IPv6 host. The translator
> function is intended to service a specific IPv4 network using either
> public or private IPv4 address space.
> * IPv4 Internet to an IPv6 network, i.e. perform translation between
> IPv4 and IPv6 for packets in uni- or bi-directional flows that are
> initiated from an IPv4 host towards an IPv6 host. The translator
> function is intended to service a specific IPv6 network where selected
> IPv6 hosts and services are to be reachable.
> This group will also provide reviews of any work by the MBoneD WG on
> multicast translation, including control traffic (IGMP and MLD),  Single
> Source Multicast (SSM) and Any Source Multicast (ASM).
> If the WG deems it necessary, BEHAVE will revise RFCs previously
> published by BEHAVE.
> Goals and Milestones
> Done  Submit BCP that defines unicast UDP behavioral requirements for 
>        NATs to IESG 
> Done  Submit a BCP that defines TCP behavioral requirements for NATs 
>        to IESG 
> Done  Submit a BCP that defines ICMP behavioral requirements for NATs 
>        to IESG 
> Done  Submit informational that discusses current NAT traversal 
>        techniques used by applications 
> Done  Submit BCP that defines multicast UDP 
> Done  Submit revision of RFC 3489 to IESG behavioral requirements for 
>        NATs to IESG 
> Done  Submit informational document for rfc3489bis test vectors 
> Done  Submit experimental document that describes how an application 
>        can determine the type of NAT it is behind 
> Done  Submit BCP document for DCCP NAT behavior 
> Done  Determine relative prioritization of the four translation cases. 
>        Documented in IETF74 minutes. 
> Done  Determine what solutions(s) and components are needed to solve 
>        each of the four cases. Create new milestones for the 
>        solution(s) and the components. Documented in IETF74 minutes. 
> Done  Submit to IESG: relaying of a TCP bytestream (std) 
> Done  Submit to IESG: relay protocol (std) 
> Done  Submit to IESG: TURN-URI document (std) 
> Done  Submit to IESG: IPv6 relay protocol (std) 
> Done  Submit to IESG: framework for IPv6/IPv4 translation (info) 
> Done  Submit to IESG: stateless IPv6/IPv4 translation (std) 
> Done  Submit to IESG: stateful IPv6/IPv4 translation (std) 
> Done  Submit to IESG: DNS rewriting for IPv6/IPv4 translation (std) 
> Done  Submit to IESG: IPv6 prefix for IPv6/IPv4 translator (std) 
> Done  Determine need and scope of multicast 6/4 translation 
> Done  Submit to IESG: FTP ALG for IPv6/IPv4 translation (std) 
> Jul 2012  Submit to IESG: large scale NAT requirements (BCP) 
> Done  Submit to IESG: Analysis of NAT-PT considerations with IPv6/IPv4 
>        translation (info)
> Jul 2012  Submit to IESG: avoiding NAT64 with dual-stack host for 
>          local networks (std) 
> Done    Submit to IESG: host-based NAT46 translation for IPv4-only 
>        applications to access IPv6-only servers (std) 
> Nov 2012  Submit to IESG: updates to NAT MIB for NAT64 (std)
> Nov 2012  Submit to IESG: updates to NAT MIB for CGNs (std)
> Nov 2012  Submit to IESG: IPFIX information elements (std)

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