On Jun 7, 2012, at 10:20 PM, Paul Hoffman wrote:

> On Jun 7, 2012, at 6:13 PM, Bradner, Scott wrote:
>> On Jun 7, 2012, at 7:09 PM, Paul Hoffman wrote:
>>> On May 30, 2012, at 11:22 PM, Eliot Lear wrote:
>>>>    • It's probably worth adding a word or two about the fact that the ISOC 
>>>> Board is the final appellate avenue in the standardization process.  In 
>>>> this way it may also make sense to move Section 3.2.1 further back behind 
>>>> the IAB.
>>> I have heard that as well, but cannot find it in RFC 2026 or any of the 
>>> RFCs that update 2026 (3667 3668 3932 3978 3979 5378 5657 5742 6410). It 
>>> should only be in the Tao if we can point to where the rule comes from.
>> see RFC 2026 section 6.5.3
>> 6.5.3 Questions of Applicable Procedure
>>  Further recourse is available only in cases in which the procedures
>>  themselves (i.e., the procedures described in this document) are
>>  claimed to be inadequate or insufficient to the protection of the
>>  rights of all parties in a fair and open Internet Standards Process.
>>  Claims on this basis may be made to the Internet Society Board of
>>  Trustees.  The President of the Internet Society shall acknowledge
>>  such an appeal within two weeks, and shall at the time of
>>  acknowledgment advise the petitioner of the expected duration of the
>>  Trustees' review of the appeal.  The Trustees shall review the
>>  situation in a manner of its own choosing and report to the IETF on
>>  the outcome of its review.
>>  The Trustees' decision upon completion of their review shall be final
>>  with respect to all aspects of the dispute.
>> note that the appeal to the ISOC BopT is only if the claim is that the rules 
>> are broken 
>> not the application of the rules
> Exactly right. What Eliot said, and others have said, is that the ISOC board 
> is the "final appellate avenue in the standardization process". That's quite 
> different than "the rules are broken".

just to be clear - saying "final appellate avenue in the standardization 
process". could be read as meaning
that a appeal of a technical decision could be made to the ISOC Board and that 
is not the case - 
this is why I used different language

not sure which you were supporting


>> there has never been such an appeal
> Happily noted.
> --Paul Hoffman

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