On 06/11/2012 01:30 PM, SM wrote:
> At 07:18 04-06-2012, The IESG wrote:
>> The IESG has received a request from an individual submitter to consider
>> the following document:
>> - 'Naming Things with Hashes'
>>   <draft-farrell-decade-ni-07.txt> as Proposed Standard
>> The IESG plans to make a decision in the next few weeks, and solicits
>> final comments on this action. Please send substantive comments to the
>> ietf@ietf.org mailing lists by 2012-07-02. Exceptionally, comments may be
> Here's an editorial comment about Section 9.4 and Section 10.
> Move the following to the first paragraph or a separate paragraph as it
> is not related to the second paragraph:
>   'Note that if the status is not "deprecated" (it is empty), then that
>    does not necessarily mean that the algorithm is "good" for any
>    particular purpose, since the cryptographic strength requirements
>    will be set by other applications or protocols.'


> And for:
>   'The expert SHOULD seek IETF review before approving a request to
>    mark an entry as "deprecated."  Such requests may simply take the
>    form of a mail to the designated expert (an RFC is not required).
>    IETF review can be achieved if the designated expert sends a mail
>    to the IETF discussion list.  At least two weeks for comments MUST
>    be allowed thereafter before the request is approved and actioned.'
> Suggested text with pointers to comments:
>   A request to mark an entry as "deprecated" can be done by sending
>   a mail to the designated expert.  Before approving the request,
>   the community should be consulted via a "call for comments" of
>   at least two weeks by sending a mail to the IETF discussion list.
> Near the end of Page 14:
>  "The expert MAY request IETF review before allocating a
>   suite ID."
> Suggested:
>  The designated expert may consult the community via a "call for
>  comments" by sending a mail to the IETF discussion list before
>  allocating a suite ID.
> I avoided using the term "IETF review" because it is used policy
> definition in the BCP.  I leave it to the authors to apply RFC 2119
> casing as appropriate.

That looks better all right, thanks.

> In Section 10:
>   "While a name-data integrity service can be provided using ni URIs,
>    that does not in any sense validate the authority part of the name,
>    for example, there is nothing to stop anyone creating an ni URI
>    containing a hash of someone else's content so application developers
>    MUST NOT assume any relationship between the owner of a domain name
>    that is part of an ni URI and some matching content just because the
>    ni URI matches that content."
> Suggested text:
>    While a name-data integrity service can be provided using ni URIs,
>    that does not in any sense validate the authority part of the name.
>    For example, there is nothing to stop anyone creating an ni URI
>    containing a hash of someone else's content.  Application developers
>    MUST NOT assume any relationship between the registrant of the domain
>    name that is part of an ni URI and some matching content just because
>    the ni URI matches that content.
> I don't understand why the last sentence is phrased as a requirement. 
> The first two sentences has a clear explanation about the authority part
> of the name.  I would remove the third sentence.

Looks better all right, thanks.

Updated at [1] again.


[1] http://down.dsg.cs.tcd.ie/misc/draft-farrell-decade-ni.txt

> Regards,
> -sm

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