Nice tool. 

However, I am wondering why the tool changes the order of the names.
There is actually a reason why documents list names in a specific order.

Some of the citations appear to be incomplete, see RFC3410.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: [] On Behalf
Of ext Ole
> Jacobsen
> Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2012 11:17 AM
> To: The IETF
> Cc: RSOC; Heather Flanagan;
> Subject: RFC and I-D Citation Tool
> In The Internet Protocol Journal I have been using the following
> citation format, best illustrated by an example:
>  Julien Meuric, Diego Caviglia, Don Fedyk, Attila Takacs, and Lou
>  Berger, "GMPLS Asymmetric Bandwidth Bidirectional Label Switched
>  Paths (LSPs)," RFC 6387, September 2011.
> So, that's full author names "and" before the last author name, title,
> document number and date, using the American "quotation outside
> punctuation rule."
> I got tired of doing this "by hand" so I asked Henrik if he could
> write me a tool. He did (THANKS!), and the result is here:
> This will take either the draft name or the RFC number as input and
> produce a citation similar to the one above. You can of course play
> with the elements and generate a format that suits your own taste, for
> example, for I-Ds, in print it might be good to have the FILE NAME as
> the last entry:
>  Adam Langley, "Serializing DNS Records with DNSSEC Authentication,"
>  Internet Draft, work in progress, July 2011,
>  draft-agl-dane-serializechain-01
> ...since I like having filenames or URLs on one line (not wrapping)
> as much as possible.
> Many thanks again to Henrik, and I hope you will find it useful too!
> Ole
> Ole J. Jacobsen
> Editor and Publisher,  The Internet Protocol Journal
> Cisco Systems
> Tel: +1 408-527-8972   Mobile: +1 415-370-4628
> E-mail:  URL:
> Skype: organdemo

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