Greetings again. At the plenary last night, Russ said that the expected 
signatories are those three organizations and hopefully other SDOs. People 
active in SDOs other than those three were encouraged to try to get those 
additional SDOs to sign the final wording.

However, it seems like many other organizations could strongly support the 
document and possibly want to do so publicly by becoming signatories. There is 
nothing at the bottom that says "The following SDOs are signatories". Is there 
any intention of letting organizations that are not SDOs become signatories? 
For example, the VPN Consortium (which explicitly does no standards 
development, but tests systems that are based on the standards from the IETF) 
strongly supports what is in this document and would want to be a signatory if 
that was available. I imagine other consortia, and probably even vendors, would 
also want to be signatories. It would be useful to hear what non-SDOs who 
support these principles can do to either become signatories or to support the 
document when it is signed by SDOs.

--Paul Hoffman, Director
--VPN Consortium

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