Jeff and I spoke f2f. Pending actual text, I believe we have resolutions to all 
of my comments save those about an extension registry, which Jeff will discuss 
with other interested parties.



On Aug 2, 2012, at 10:46 AM, Ben Campbell <> wrote:

> Hi, thanks for the response.  Comments inline:
> On Jul 29, 2012, at 10:29 PM, =JeffH <> wrote:
>>> -- Does this draft update any other RFCs (e.g. 2616 or 2818)? If so, that
>>> should be explicitly flagged and mentioned in the abstract.
>> Good question, I don't believe we've discussed this possibility directly in 
>> the websec wg. In looking at the RFCs that do update RFC2616, it doesn't 
>> look like draft-ietf-websec-strict-transport-sec (HSTS) is of that ilk.
>> However, it nominally appears that an argument could be made that it'd be 
>> appropriate to update RFC2818 via draft-ietf-websec-strict-transport-sec, 
>> specifically with regards to Section 2.1.  Connection Initiation.
>> Though, RFC2818 is Informational, which may be an issue (?). Also, perhaps 
>> this is something to more appropriately do via a standards-track rfc2818bis, 
>> i.e., have the latter reference the HSTS spec.
>> this is something to discuss this coming week @IETF-84 Vancouver it seems.
> I will comment on this in response to your post-meeting email.
>>> -- I did not find any guidance on how to handle UAs that do not understand
>>> this extension. I don't know if this needs to be normative, but the draft
>>> should at least mention the possibility and implications.
>> Agreed. My -12 working copy now contains these new subsections..
>> ###
>> 10.  Server Implementation and Deployment Advice
>>  This section is non-normative.
>> 10.1.  Non-Conformant User Agent Considerations
>>  Non-conformant UAs ignore the Strict-Transport-Security header field,
>>  thus non-conformant user agents do not address the threats described
>>  in Section 2.3.1 "Threats Addressed".  Please refer to Section 14.1
>>  "Non-Conformant User Agent Implications" for further discussion.
>>                      .
>>                      .
>> 14.  Security Considerations
>>                      .
>>                      .
>> 14.1.  Non-Conformant User Agent Implications
>>  Non-conformant UAs ignore the Strict-Transport-Security header field,
>>  thus non-conformant user agents do not address the threats described
>>  in Section 2.3.1 "Threats Addressed".
>>  This means that the web application and its users wielding non-
>>  conformant user agents will be vulnerable to both:
>>     Passive network attacks due to web site development and deployment
>>     bugs: For example, if the web application contains any insecure,
>>     non-"https", references to the web application server, and if not
>>     all of its cookies are flagged as "Secure", then its cookies will
>>     be vulnerable to passive network sniffing, and potentially
>>     subsequent misuse of user credentials.
>>     Active network attacks: If an attacker is able to place a man-in-
>>     the-middle, secure transport connection attempts will likely yield
>>     warnings to the user, but without HSTS Policy being enforced, the
>>     present common practice is to allow the user to "click-through"
>>     and proceed.  This renders the user and possibly the web
>>     application open to abuse by such an attacker.
>>  This is essentially the status-quo for all web applications and their
>>  users in the absence of HSTS Policy.
>> ###
> That's all good text, but I'm not sure it actually captures my concern.
> From the server's perspective, the fact that non-conformant UAs may exist, 
> the server cannot assume that UAs will honor the extension. This means that a 
> UA might attempt unprotected access to some resource assumed to be protected 
> by this extension. That is, the server can't merely select the extension and 
> forget about things--it still needs to to take the same care to avoid leaking 
> resources over unprotected connections that it would need to do if this 
> extension did not exist in the first place.
> I think this is implied by your last sentence above, but it would be better 
> to say it explicitly.
>>> -- How should a UA handle potential conflicts between a the policy record
>>> that includes the includeSubdomain, and any records for subdomains that 
>>> might
>>> have different parameters?
>> this is in the draft. the short answer is that at policy enforcement time, 
>> "superdomain matches win".
>> At "noting an HSTS Host" time, the HSTS host's policy (if expressed) is 
>> noted regardless of whether there are superdomain HSTS hosts asserting 
>> "includeSubDomains".
>> perhaps this needs to be made more clear?
> Maybe I'm missing something, but I'm not getting that answer from the text. 
> Can you point out the specific language?
>>> -- section 6.1:
>>> The draft mentions that directives may be extended, but defers creation of 
>>> an
>>> IANA registry to the time of first extension. IANA registries are not
>>> expensive; I suggest it be created now. If there's a good reason not to, 
>>> then
>>> the draft should still address the specification policy for extensions.
>>> Also, do you expect that some future directive might need to have a
>>> "required-to-understand" status? Given that this is a security-affecting
>>> extension, it seems likely. If so, then the mechanism for expressing that
>>> needs to be defined in this draft.
>> These are good questions, and they beg the overall question of how complex 
>> this simple solution really needs to be and whether we really think we'll 
>> need any extensions. Something for us to discuss in the working group 
>> meeting on Tue morning I think.
> I will comment on this in the post-meeting mail.
>>> -- section 7.2:
>>> Am I correct to assume that the server must never just serve the content 
>>> over
>>> a non-secure connection? If so, it would be helpful to mention that, maybe
>>> even normatively.
>> It's a SHOULD, see the Note in that section, so it's already effectively 
>> stated normatively, though one needs to understand HTTP workings to realize 
>> it in the way you stated it above.  Perhaps could add a simple statement as 
>> you suggest to the intro para for section 7 Server Processing Model, to 
>> address this concern?
> I think something of the form SHOULD redirect to HTTPS, but MUST NOT under 
> any circumstances send the content unprotected would improve the text. That's 
> probably already implied, and a reasonable implementor wouldn't due it 
> anyway. But my experience is that some readers will find strange 
> interpretations whenever you give them the wiggle room to do so, so it's 
> better to be explicit.
>>> -- section 8.4:
>>> Does this imply a duty for compliant UAs to check for revocation one way or
>>> another?
>> yes. though, per other relevant specifications, as duly cited. AFAIK the 
>> HSTS spec doesn't need to get into the details because the underlying 
>> security transport specs, namely TLS, already do this.
> If that duty already exists, then I see no reason to add it here. But do the 
> cited specs unambiguously _require_ revocation checks? I admit to not being 
> an expert here, but on a quick scan it seems more like they say how you can 
> do it, but do they say you have to? 
> [...]
>>> -- section 1.2:
>>> The description of indented notes is almost precisely the opposite of how
>>> they are described in the RFC editor's style guide. It describes them as
>>> "parenthetical" notes, which is how experienced RFC readers are likely to
>>> perceive them. While it doesn't say so explicitly, I think putting normative
>>> text in parenthetical notes should be avoided. If these are intended to be
>>> taken more strongly than that (and by the description, I take it they should
>>> be taken more strongly than the surrounding text), then I suggest choosing a
>>> stronger prefix than "NOTE:"
>> As it turns out, almost all the Notes are parenthetical.
>> I'll render the one(s) that are normative as a regular paragraph(s) and 
>> leave the others as-is. Will that address your concern?
> Yes, thanks.
>>> -- section 7:
>>> Does the reference to I-D.ietf-tls-ssl-version3 indicate a requirement for
>>> SSL3?
>> no, it's just that SSLv3 remains a fact of life and is referenced for 
>> completeness' sake.
> Okay.
>>> -- section 8.2, paragraph 5 (first non-numbered paragraph after numbered
>>> list)
>>> To be pedantic, this could be taken to mean a congruent match only applies 
>>> if
>>> the includeSubdomains flag is not present. I assume it's intended to apply
>>> whether or not the flag is present.
>> [ I am assuming you actually are referring to section 8.3, as section 8.2 
>> doesn't mention the includeSubdomains flag and does not contain a numbered 
>> list. ]
>> yes, a congruent match is intended to apply whether or not the flag is 
>> present.
> yes, I meant 8.3. And on re-reading, I think the text is fine.
>>> -- section 12 and subsections:
>>> I was surprised to see more apparently normative material after the
>>> non-normative guidance sections. I think it would improve the organization 
>>> to
>>> put this closer to the normative rules for UAs.
>> We can move section 12 up ahead of the non-normative guidance sections.
> I think that would help, thanks.
>>> -- section 14.1, 4th paragraph (first non-bulleted paragraph following 
>>> bullet
>>> list)
>>> This issue is only true for proxies that act as a TLS MiTM, right?
>> yes.
>>> Would
>>> proxies that tunnel TLS via the CONNECT method have this issue?
>> I don't think so in the general case.
>> I'm not sure what terminology to use to differentiate such proxies if this 
>> is a detail worth addressing.
> Okay
>> thanks again,
>> =JeffH

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