On 06/08/2012 23:02, Martin Rex wrote:
> Steven Bellovin wrote:
>> Randy Bush wrote:
>>> whatever the number of address bits, if it is fixed, we always run out.
>>> memory addressing has been a cliff many times.  ip addressing.  ...
>> Yup.  To quote Fred Brooks on memory address space: "Every successful
>> computer architecture eventually runs out of address space" -- and I heard
>> him say that in 1973.
> I'm wondering what resource shortage would have happened if IPv6
> had been massively adopted 10 years earlier, and whether we would have
> seen the internet backbone routers suffer severely from the size
> of the routing tables, if every single home customer (DSL subscriber)
> would have required a provider-independent IPv6 network prefix rather
> than a single, provider-dependent IPv4 IP Address.

That was never a likely scenario (and still isn't). PA prefixes are still
the norm for mass-market IP, regardless of version number.


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