I don't think the principles articulated in this document will come as a 
surprise to any SDO with which the IETF interacts and I don't think this 
document will prevent another SDO from acting badly wrt the IETF if it so 
chooses.  Also, bear in mind that 'acting badly' is entirely subjective.

For example, if you were to ask the ITU leadership if they 'acted badly' during 
the MPLS-TP imbroglio, I think they would counter that it was the IETF that 
'acted badly'.  In fact, I have seen them say exactly this.

And lest we forget, we had a much more comprehensive agreement in place for 



Sent from my iPhone

From: Abdussalam Baryun [mailto:abdussalambar...@gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2012 6:29 AM
To: John E Drake
Cc: ietf
Subject: Re: FW: Affirmation of the Modern Global Standards Paradigm

Hi John,

>Does this document actually have a purpose, and if so, what is it?

IMO the document introduces important statements (purpose and objectives) so 
that other organisations and SDOs recognise while interacting with IETF. It may 
look simple or known, but necessary for IETF future cooperations.

I agree that your question is very important and that the best person to answer 
is the Chair of IETF or IAB.


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