The document says:

           o  Bullet 3, paragraph 1 is replaced by this:        
                 The nominating committee comprises at least a Chair, 10 voting 
                 volunteers, 4 liaisons, and an advisor.

The Past Chair is missing.

The adviser is not required, as implied by the "at least" in this sentence.

Also, if I understand properly, the ISOC BoT is allowed to provide a liaison, 
but they are not required to do so.


On Aug 16, 2012, at 5:29 PM, Barry Leiba wrote:

> SM and I have merged our 3777 update proposals, and we have posted the
> merged version.  This is BCCed to the NomCom discussion list; please
> take discussion of this to the main IETF discussion list now.
> Reminder: the primary purpose of this is to add the IAOC to some of
> the points in RFC 3777, since 3777 pre-dates the formation of the
> IAOC.  Some of the IAOC-related processed are described in RFC 4333,
> so this doesn't cover everything -- but it adds the IAOC to what we
> think is appropriate.  It also incorporates the one Verified erratum
> against 3777, and clarifies that a few other people should not be
> eligible to volunteer for the NomCom -- in practical matters, it has
> little effect, because most of them would not be volunteering anyway.
> We aim to ask Russ to AD-sponsor this soon.  Further discussion is open.
> Barry (and SM)
>> A new version of I-D, draft-leiba-3777upd-eligibility-01.txt
>> has been successfully submitted by Barry Leiba and posted to the
>> IETF repository.
>> Filename:        draft-leiba-3777upd-eligibility
>> Revision:        01
>> Title:           Update to RFC 3777 to Clarify Nominating Committee 
>> Eligibility of IETF Leadership
>> Creation date:   2012-08-16
>> WG ID:           Individual Submission
>> Number of pages: 7
>> URL:             
>> Status:          
>> Htmlized:        
>> Diff:            
>> Abstract:
>>   RFC 3777 specifies that "sitting members" of the IAB and IESG "may
>>   not volunteer to serve on the nominating commitee".  Since that
>>   document was written the IAOC was formed, and that body is not
>>   covered by RFC 3777.  There is also uncertainty about whether ex-
>>   officio members and liaisons are included as "sitting members".  This
>>   document clarifies those situations.

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