The version with the phrase deleted is now available:

On Aug 24, 2012, at 11:11 AM, IETF Chair wrote:

> Thank you for the lively discussion.  Based on the great number of messages, 
> I judge that there is rough consensus for the IETF Chair and the IAB Chair 
> signing the Affirmation.  The Last Call asks for people to speak up if they 
> have strong objections.  Despite the phrasing of the question, many people 
> spoke in favor of this action.
> A few people raised concerns about the process that lead to this document.  
> First, Bernard Aboba, acting as IAB Chair, sent the statement out and asked 
> for comment.  Then, the document was discussed in the plenary session on 
> Vancouver.  Finally, on August 10th, I sent out the Last Call.  Comments sent 
> in reply to Bernard's message and comments from the plenary discussion were 
> addresses prior to the Last Call.
> Here are the versions:
> Asked for comment: 
> Last Call: 
> This document is not intended for the standards track.  The IAB is 
> considering publication as an Informational RFC to preserve the document in 
> the RFC series.
> Based on the comments received during the Last Call, one change is being made 
> to the document.  The document said:
>  4. Availability. Standards specifications are made accessible to all for
>  implementation and deployment. Affirming standards organizations have defined
>  procedures to develop specifications that can be implemented under fair 
> terms.
>  Given market diversity, fair terms may vary from royalty-free (especially 
> where
>  open source is commonplace) to fair, reasonable, and non-discriminatory terms
>  (FRAND).
> The Last Call raised a concern, asking for deletion of this phrase:
>  (especially where open source is commonplace)
> Based on the Last Call discussion, this change was recommended to the other 
> signers.  This change was accepted, and this phrase will be deleted.
> Thanks again,
>  Russ Housley
>  IETF Chair
> On Aug 10, 2012, at 11:19 AM, IETF Chair wrote:
>> The IETF Chair and the IAB Chair intend to sign the Affirmation
>> of the Modern Global Standards Paradigm, which can be found
>> here:
>> An earlier version was discussed in plenary, and the IAB Chair called
>> for comments on the IETF mail list.  This version includes changes
>> that address those comments.
>> Th IETF 84 Administrative plenary minutes have been posted, so that
>> discussion can be reviewed if desired.  The minutes are here:
>> On 8 August 2012, the IEEE Standards Association Board of Governors
>> approved this version of the document.  The approval process is
>> underway at the W3C as well.
>> The IETF Chair and the IAB Chair intend to sign the Affirmation in the
>> next few weeks. Please send strong objections to the
>> and the mailing lists by 2012-08-24.
>> Thank you,
>> Russ Housley
>> IETF Chair

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