On Mon, Oct 22, 2012 at 01:14:07PM -0400, Noel Chiappa wrote:
>     > If this memorial wiki page could be open to anyone who ever contributed
>     > to any I* and for whom there was at least one person who wanted to
>     > contribute the information, then fine.
> Then it turns into (effectively) a phone book - and I don't know too many
> people who read phone books.

Would you consider a war memorial a "phone book"?  Not that it's an
exact match, of course (or is it?  "The following people helped defend
the Internet against the scourge of OSI" :-), but that's also another
way of dealing with it.  Just make it a list, with the most recently
passed at the top of the list.

I suspect for those who think it's important, they would appreciate
the gesture, and for those who don't, well they probably won't bother
to look at the web page.  Just like I generally don't bother reading
all of the names listed at a war memorial, but I still support the
presence and existence of such memorials.  (And there *are* people who
go looking for the names of the fallen on such memorials.)

The bottom line for me is that if there are volunteers who feel
passionate about maintaining such a page, and if there is an opt out
for those really feel strongly about a few hundred bytes of HTML after
they pass away, does maintaining such a web page do significant harm?
And if it's important for some, why not do it?


                                                - Ted

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