
On Nov 6, 2012, at 10:34, Fred Baker (fred) <f...@cisco.com> wrote:
> There is a point of disagreement between IRTF and IETF IPR Policy, or at 
> least there appeared to be yesterday in ICCRG. 
> http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3979#section-6.1.3 states that a person who 
> knows that someone else has IPR on something is not required, but is 
> encouraged, to make it known. The "note well" used in ICCRG yesterday said 
> that someone that knew of IPR belonging to someone else was required to 
> disclose it. I'm not sure what should be done about that, but the difference 
> seems unhelpful.

the IRTF statement is at https://www.irtf.org/ipr. For the case you mention, it 

"Finally, the IRTF requests that you file an IPR disclosure with the IETF if 
you recognize IPR owned by others in any IRTF contribution."

"Requests" does not mean "required."


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