Hi John,

Bits and pieces below...

On 01/22/2013 07:04 PM, John Leslie wrote:
> Joe Touch <to...@isi.edu> wrote:
>> On 1/11/2013 8:21 AM, Adrian Farrel wrote:
>>> The proposed experiment calls on the IETF Secretariat to take specific 
>>> actions under certain circumstances in corner cases of the experiment.
>    Specifically:
> ] 
> ] 8. If at any point in the fast-track process the responsbile AD does 
> ]    not act in a timely fashion then the IESG Secretary should ensure 
> ]    that the draft enters IESG evaluation and is scheduled for the 
> ]    the soonest IESG telechat that is more than one week after the 
> ]    end of the two-week post-IETF LC period.  That is, if the 
> ]    responsible AD does not act, then the default action applies 
> ]    which is that the draft enters IESG evaluation and is placed on 
> ]    the earliest IESG telechat. 
>    I honestly don't know who or what the "IESG Secretary" might be:
> several of us have assumed this is a typo, and "Secretariat" was
> intended.
>    (There is one mention of "Secretariat" in the draft, but it speaks
> of what WG Chairs must do, not what the Secretariat should do.)

Fair enough. I think the terms effectively mean the same set of
folks though.

>> This is a silly idea.
>    Assuming that Joe refers to the item quoted above, I find myself
> forced to agree with Joe (which is scary ;^)...
>    (There is, BTW, an email address <iesg-secret...@ietf.org>, which
> feeds into an automated ticket-generation system. I have been asked
> not to respond to it because it tends to get overloaded.)
>    If we actually wanted the Secretariat to take the actions listed
> above, they would need an automated tool to "discover" the inaction
> of the AD involved. 

Perhaps ultimately, were this to be a part of our permanent process.

> From the paragraph above, I frankly have no idea
> how to program such a tool.

"AD didn't hit button to move forward or backward"? Absent a tool,
my guess is a WG chair would complain and some other AD would tell
'em to talk to their AD or ask the secretariat to push the button.
This is very much a corner case.

>    "Enters IESG evaluation" is a simple state variable, mostly harmless.
> "Scheduled" for an IESG telechat is a little vague. Usually this means
> creating a "ballot" where each IESG member can enter a "position," but
> there are other ways to get on the agenda.
>    Who gets to decide whether this paragraph calls upon the Secretariat
> to create that ballot?
>    What time-limit applies between adding the item to the agenda and
> the actual start of the telechat? I have seen items appear _after_
> the "FINAL Agenda" is posted the afternoon before (and have done my
> best to discourage such a practice).

I'm not seeing the vagueness there sorry.

>> First, running code should already be considered as part of the context 
>> of review.
>    Considered how?
>> Second, running code is not correlated to correctness, appropriateness, 
>> or safety. See Linux for numerous examples.
>    Exactly! Evaluating the correlation of running code to the printed
> standard-to-be is a long-winded process.
>> Third, running code doesn't mean the doc is sufficient that multiple 
>> parties can generate interoperable instances. It's merely the sound of 
>> one hand clapping ;-)
>    Here I disagree with Joe (familiar territory!) -- the existence of
> one open-source implementation decidely helps other implementors to
> produce interoperable instances.
>    (Alas, at the same time it tends to hide ambiguities of the spec.)
>> Finally, NOTHING should circumvent the multi-tiered review process.
>> That process helps reduce the burden on the community at large via
>> the presumption that smaller groups with more context have already
>> reviewed proposals before they get to the broader community.
>    This "multi-tiered review process" is somewhat mythical. To the
> extent it actually exists, I believe it benefits us; but accomplishing
> it in limited time is iffy at best.
>> This is a bad idea even as an experiment.
>    I'd like to call folks' attention to one paragraph in the Introduction:
> ] 
> ] In summary, this experiment collapses three stages of the publication 
> ] process to run concurrently: working group last call, AD review, and 
> ] IETF last call.  Additionally, the experiment will only require 
> ] issues raised during these three stages to be addressed if they meet 
> ] the IESG's Discuss criteria.  The former is not formally a process 
> ] change, although it is a change to the normal conventions.  The 
> ] latter is a process change and requires this experiment to be run 
> ] under the auspices of [RFC3933].
>    All the other verbiage aside, _this_ is the point of the experiment:
> to remove any implied requirement to respond to LastCall comments that
> don't meet (current?) IESG Discuss criteria. (There is, fortunately,
> a normative reference to these, but being a web-page, one wonders if
> it will be entirely stable...)

Stable enough for an experiment I think. That might be something that
would need attention should we want to adopt this permanently after
the experiment I agree.

>    It is unreasonable to expect every commenter to read that web-page;
> and I can testify that IESG members sometimes disagree on how it should
> be interpreted. In practice, I believe this change will mean that the
> effort now spent responding to comments from respected IETFers will
> tend to be replaced by justifying why no response is needed. :^(

I don't think that'll happen much. Maybe a little though.

>    To me, it seems unfortunate we should even be "experimenting" with
> paying less attention to comments from the more-experienced IETFers.
> The existence of "running code" doesn't make evaluation simpler. :^(

Yet, we have found these criteria valuable in IESG review, right?
I think they could be equally valuable here too.

>    I wonder if we might do better to encourage the "Experimental"
> status for potential standards _with_ running code, and distribute
> the evaluation during the period of experiment (rather than try to
> squeeze "enough" evaluation into IETF-wide LastCall).
> ====
>    Quoting from RFC 2026:
> ] 
> ] A Proposed Standard specification is generally stable, has resolved
> ] known design choices, is believed to be well-understood, has received
> ] significant community review, and appears to enjoy enough community
> ] interest to be considered valuable...
>    Will this still be true under this proposed experiment?

I think it'll be no less true than today for documents as they
arrive at the start of IESG review.

> ] A Proposed Standard should have no known technical omissions with
> ] respect to the requirements placed upon it. However, the IESG may
> ] waive this requirement in order to allow a specification to advance
> ] to the Proposed Standard state when it is considered to be useful and
> ] necessary (and timely) even with known technical omissions.
>    I would feel less nervous about this experiment were it to include
> a specific IESG action to waive the "no known technical omissions"
> clause.

But IESG evaluation is unchanged.


> --
> John Leslie <j...@jlc.net>

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