>>>>> "SM" == SM  <s...@resistor.net> writes:

    SM> There are things that were said which were never done.  There
    SM> are things that were predicted and that never happened.  Maybe
    SM> it is because of process flaws.  Maybe it is because it is
    SM> easier to give up instead of trying.

Perhaps it's because the process works well enough these days that some
of us involved in process work in the past believe things are working
well enough now that the risk of change is greater than any likely
benefit.  That's generally my attitude these days. I generally haven't
supported process change proposals lately because I think things are
working quite well and I think the proposed improvements aren't worth
the risk.  For the most part I've stayed quiet because I think the risk
of harm is not huge either and if people can get together enough effort
to make a change it's probably not that horrible.  A few times I've
spoken up because something seemed like a really bad idea.  Fewer times
I've spoken up because something seemed like a really good idea.
In general though I'd like to be counted as a voice for the status quo;
I consider that a relatively well-considered opinion.

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