On Monday, February 11, 2013 11:01:14 AM Dave Crocker wrote:
> >> And on this note, doing something wrong and being corrected is always
> >> a better choice than not doing something.
> > 
> > Agreed.
> Well...
> That claimed benefit is probably true, from a global perspective, but
> often not true from a local (personal) perspective.
> Most of us do local optimization, seeking to avoid criticism. Let's not
> be distracted by the example of the few, cantankerous ones of us who
> appear to be impervious to attack.
> What changes this counter-productive pressure to keep quiet is making
> the tone of things be supportive and constructive rather than frankly
> hostile.
> Does anyone seriously think the typical IETF exchange displays this
> more-positive tone?

I guess it all depends on what you're used to.  IETF discussions seem 
reasonably temperate to me.

Scott K

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