On 2/26/13 1:45 PM, Paul E. Jones wrote:
> On the one hand, having a cut-off time could help WG chairs make a decision
> as to whether to entertain a discussion on a draft.  On the other hand,
> having no cut-off date might mean that drafts are submitted extremely late
> and it makes it more challenging or impossible to prepare an agenda.

Well, for one thing the IETF does its work on mailing lists, and
meetings support that rather than the other way 'round.  For another,
I'm not sure this deadline makes any difference in practice (other
than introducing an inconvenience).  We're going to be giving meeting
time to a draft for which there's no revision, because it needs
meeting time.  It's on the agenda whether there's a revision or
not.  I understand the deadline was introduced to provide incentives
for people to get their stuff in in advance of a meeting.  But.


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