>>>>> "Mary" == Mary Barnes <mary.ietf.bar...@gmail.com> writes:

    Mary> And, I continue to support Sam's position as well.  To me the
    Mary> question at hand is whether it will do more harm to fill the
    Mary> position with someone that doesn't have the specific expertise
    Mary> that his being sought than to leave the position unfilled.
    Mary> Having dealt with the exact same issue when I was Nomcom
    Mary> chair, I thoroughly understand the issue at hand.  And,
    Mary> certainly, there was a lot of criticism of the choice of the
    Mary> Nomcom I chaired, but we really are between a rock and a hard
    Mary> place yet again.

I think it would be really useful to get someone like Lars or the chair
of the tcpm working group to comment on how much congestion control
experience we're talking about as a requirement.

When I read Lars's messages, I'm not actually sure he and I are

There's a lot of things it could mean for the IESG to have congestion
control expertise.

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