On 3/21/13 9:19 AM, SM wrote:
> I welcome feedback from anyone. 

All righty, then.  I do think that when someone is offering an
opinion on the role of the IESG in moving work through the IETF,
it's helpful if they've actually brought new work to the IETF,
socialized it, negotiated with ADs around creating a new working
group or rechartering an existing one, etc.  Because the IESG
effectively functions as gatekeepers to taking on new work, it
matters a lot that they have reasonably wide visibility into
the industry and into real-world networking problems.  Having
an IESG in which everybody has pretty much the same background
is not how you achieve that.

It appears to be the case that people don't understand the
gatekeeping role of the IESG in bringing new work into the
organization unless they've experienced it directly.


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