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draft-sparks-genarea-imaparch has been revised to address comments from
Pete Resnick and Barry Leiba. Jari Arkko has suggested that the security considerations section contain something like what RFC6778 contained about potential risks to CPU
and I/O utilization. I plan to make that change in the next version.

While looking at it, I noticed we don't explicitly say that this IMAP interface MUST NOT allow messages in the archive to be deleted or moved to other mailboxes, and MUST NOT allow messages to be inserted. I plan to add those as requirements in the next version.


On 3/26/13 3:45 PM, wrote:
A new version (-05) has been submitted for draft-sparks-genarea-imaparch:

The IETF datatracker page for this Internet-Draft is:

Diff from previous version:

IETF Secretariat.

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