I just change the subject because I still beleive the problem with review
is in the WG not IESG. Some WGs have few reviews on each WG document, that
may not be bad, but I think having only one review or comment (excluding
authors) within a WGLC is wrong in a WG review process. I think WG chair
can find two participants to do it.

I recommend WG's process to change their purpose so we have to get *two
participants* which are not authors to review the work and comment within
WGLC (even small text comment is ok). I recommend WG chairs to think about
this proposal, if not then I will try write an I-D for this and communicate
with community.


On Fri, Apr 12, 2013 at 8:24 PM, Abdussalam Baryun <
abdussalambar...@gmail.com> wrote:

> How can a memebr of staff in a company argue with the manager about the
> manager's decisions or performance? Only Owners/shareholders can question
> managers and staff. IMO, the meeting/list discussions on any issue
> without an I-D written is the staff talking/working.
> If you write an I-D and to update the procedure related to the subject,
> you should consider many issues and I think will need many years of
> discussions, but then better effort result. IMHO, writing an I-D and
> getting back up by community discussion (with rough consensus) is in the
> top level and is the owner talking.
> I hope that when I review and comment on an I-D, it should be considered
> as one owner is talking, but seems like editors think they are the only
> owners. When IESG comment on the I-D it is managers/excutives talking. All
> parts are important to the best of output.
> AB
> On Fri, Apr 12, 2013 at 10:33 AM, Abdussalam Baryun <
> abdussalambar...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Reply to below message
>> The subject SHOULD be: Evaluating Review Process Performance
>> I prefer the Subject is: Evaluating WG input, the WG review process,
>> and the WG output, NOT IESG review.
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Hi Joe,
>> My comments mostly is on your message, but I comment also on I-Ds or
>> RFCs related to IETF (including joky RFCs).
>> I don't think it is write to evaluate the review of an IESG as long as
>> when we created the I-D and adopted it into IETF SYSTEM, it is already
>> agreeing on the methods of process that I-D is going through. So the
>> problem is to evaluate three things not one: 1) the input, 2) the
>> process review, 3) the output.
>> We may make different input methods that go to another body than IESG,
>> but if you decided to make I-D under IETF current procedure, it will
>> have to go to IESG.
>> I think the IESG are doing an excellent job, but it is best them to
>> evaluate their performance not the community. Or it is better to find
>> a body that evaluates the IESG performance not on this list.
>> I consider your input on the list as a complain about the process, so
>> I ask you to notice that your input has an error that needs evaluation
>> befor going to process evaluation. You may evaluate output, but I
>> remind you to evaluate input of WGs and inputs of individuals.
>> I think the BIG problem of delay in I-Ds or RFC, is the cause of the
>> WG not the IESG, if you do an excellent WG processes you will get
>> quick results at IESG.
>> AB
>> +++++++++++++
>> Hi, all,
>> As an author who has had (and has) multiple documents in IESG review,
>> I've noticed an increasing trend of this step to go beyond (IMO) its
>> documented and original intent (BCP 9, currently RFC 2026):
>>    The IESG shall determine whether or not a specification submitted to
>>    it according to section 6.1.1 satisfies the applicable criteria for
>>    the recommended action (see sections 4.1 and 4.2), and shall in
>>    addition determine whether or not the technical quality and clarity
>>    of the specification is consistent with that expected for the
>>    maturity level to which the specification is recommended.
>> Although I appreciate that IESG members are often overloaded, and the
>> IESG Review step is often the first time many see these documents, I
>> believe they should be expected to more clearly differentiate their
>> "IESG Review" (based on the above criteria) - and its accompanying
>> Position ballot, with their personal review.
>> My concern is that by conflating their IESG position with their
>> personal review, the document process is inappropriately delayed and
>> that documents are modified to appease a small community that does not
>> justify its position as representative.
>> How do others feel about this?
>> Joe

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