On Thu, April 18, 2013 6:44 pm, Andrew Sullivan wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 18, 2013 at 08:17:21AM -0700, Dan Harkins wrote:
>>   So a problem statement has been made: there is a notable lack of
>> diversity in the areas of race and gender. Why is this a problem?
> Because some people report that they experience a chilly environment,
> and we respect those people for their other contributions and would
> like more people like them to contribute in similar ways, and
> therefore we want to make the environment less chilly.  I'm sort of
> surprised that that problem, which has been stated in my view quite
> plainly more than once in this thread, isn't evident to anyone
> participating.

  Well, that is certainly not the message that I read. What I read was
that the I* leadership is 97% male (and 97% white) and that alone
puts into question the legitimacy of the IETF as an International
Standards Development Organization. If people are encountering a
chilly environment then that is a different issue.

  It has been a few IETFs since I've heard someone approach the mic
and say "that is the stupidest idea I've heard in a long time" and a few
more since it was said to me. That kind of brusqueness is part of our
culture but I think it can be off-putting and a barrier to contributing.
New people get intimidated around a bunch of aggressive type-A
personalities and may be reluctant to present or contribute for fear
of being put down.

  If we want to make the IETF a less chilly place that is more inviting
and we want to encourage participation maybe we should address
our cultural tics and idiosyncrasies that represent a barrier to entry
rather than enumerate the women who have registered for a meeting.
(And yes, I am talking about myself).



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