H Fernando,

On 4/22/13 9:23 PM, Fernando Gont wrote:
> There seems to be a disconnect here:
> We want an algorithm that, roughly speaking, whenever you connect to the
> same network, gives you the same address. But such address should be
> different for each network you connect to.

Thank you, and yes there was a disconnect.  Indeed now I get it.  For
some reason I had assumed that you meant for some short period of time,
but the algorithm is clearly aimed at longer periods of time (e.g.,
across reboots).  Given that, the inputs the WG has stated seem
perfectly reasonable.

>> How would an IPv6 implementation employing this specification vary from
>> this specification in a way you or the working group would find
>> objectionable?  
> If, for the same interface you employ this algorithm *and* the
> traditional SLAAC algorithm, that's objectionable.

Right.  With you now.

Thanks again...


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