The blog nicely classes the problem as being too heavy-weight during final stages. The quick discussion thread seems focused on adding a moment at which the draft specification is considered 'baked'.

I think that's still too late.

Certainly it could be useful, but it's still very late in the process.

Specification development usually does -- and certainly ought to -- formulate basic design ideas or approaches that motivate the details in a specification. A good specification will include discussion of this, and I think the typical and most significant hashing and re-hashing that happens in later stages is about the design issues.

While basic design revisions can happen at any time in a process, I'll suggest that a specification effort should be asked to document its interesting design choices early, and circulate /these/ for external review, iterating later if basic choices are changed.

I suspect that an earlier exercise at summarizing functional goals and design approaches and issues will have a number of benefits, beyond enabling earlier external review.

Dave Crocker
Brandenburg InternetWorking

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