On May 15, 2013, at 4:30 PM, Adrian Farrel <adrian at olddog.co.uk> wrote:
> The claim (or one of the claims) is that some ADs may place Discusses that
> are
> intended to raise a discussion with the authors/WG that could equally have
> been
> raised with a Comment or through direct email. This, it is claimed, may
> unnecessarily delay the document from completing the publication process.

Discussions should have a time limit (can be one week), like we have
in meetings (2hours), if there is time we can know when things are
needed to respond to, I usually ignore when there is no milestones or
planing-time. Does IESG have milestones for documents

> Now the dangerous bit,
> Suppose the AD raised her concern by writing a Comment or sending an email
> and
> balloting "No Objection." That would mean that the I-D would be approved
> for
> publication.
> At this point either:
> - the discussion goes on, but the document becomes an RFC anyway
> or
> - the responsible AD holds the document pending satisfactory completion of
> the
> discussion.

That AD SHOULD not hold for unlimited time, also should discuss the
issue with the WG related in limited time.
> I suggest that the former is a bad result. Not that the authors/WG will
> ignore
> the discussion, but if they disagree on something the AD considers very
> important, the authors/WG have no incentive to participate in the
> discussion.

Only community rough concensus will decide the final result,
> Of
> course, all participants in this thread so far would never behave like that,
> but
> there is a possibility that this will happen for some authors.

Yes only if there is no time limits for work that should be done,

> I also suggest that the latter introduces exactly the same amount of delay
> as
> the Discuss.

There is always possibility of large delay in systems that have no
time limits for processing or responds. Our time/work used is
important for IETF, IMO, no one should hold work/time only if able to
decide/notify/plan when/how to leave it go for all reaction


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