>>>>> "The" == The IAOC <bob.hin...@gmail.com> writes:
    The> The venues are in Buenos Aires.  They meet our requirements for the 
    The> space, networking, nearby restaurants and bars, hotel room rates in 
the mid $200
    The> dollar range, nearby alternate hotels at a broad range of prices, nice 
area in the
    The> city, safe, direct international flights, and accessible visas.  The 
IAOC thinks we
    The> could have a successful IETF meeting in Buenos Aires and that 
attendees would
    The> like the venues.

My question is about whether we would be there during the "peak" season,
and when exactly is that season?

I priced flights for me in July, November and March (2014).
It seems that most flights go through Santiago or Sao Paulo, one went
through Atlanta.  The lowest cost flight for me is similiar to travel to
Europe not in the summer,  but the price rises quite quickly to the $4K
range.  The worse rise seems to be March, but that was also the furthest
in the future.

    The> Things to consider are that it will be a long trip for the majority of 
IETFers and the
    The> air fares are more expensive (about 10% to 20% higher than average), 
    The> restaurants are less expensive.  This would be a case where most 
IETFers would
    The> bear more travel pain and expense.  

What are the hotel costs?   
(I fund my own attendance)

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