Translation ?? This a very old discussion and moot point, people that have 
interest to participate in this type of international forums and processes 
SHOULD learn English.


On May 27, 2013, at 7:17 AM, Arturo Servin <> wrote:

>    Translation?
>    Also, it would be important that the "local" people/helpers could do an 
> introduction to what it is the ietf, how to send comments in the remote 
> participation, to the list, what's a WG etc. It may sound a bit bureaucratic, 
> but if we want to have these remote people to start sending emails, comments, 
> reviewing draft we need to break the "ice" somehow. It does not have to be 
> extensive, a short intro could be enough.
>    About a serious proposal, are you thinking in an I+D, wg or something 
> coming from the IESG, IAOC?
> /as
> On 27 May 2013, at 09:07, Dave Crocker wrote:
>> On 5/27/2013 1:52 PM, Arturo Servin wrote:
>>>    About the remote hub I think it would be good to give it a try.
>> I'm increasingly intrigued by this idea.  It could be interesting to try to 
>> formulate a serious proposal for this, with enough detail to qualify as a 
>> functional specification.  The easy part is specifying audio/video streams 
>> support.  More challenging is to get the personal and personnel support 
>> figured out.
>> And should it have some means of assisting discussions outside of the 
>> bof/wg/plenary sessions?
>> What else?
>> d/
>> -- 
>> Dave Crocker
>> Brandenburg InternetWorking

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