On 06/19/2013 12:14 PM, Peter Saint-Andre wrote:
On 6/19/13 1:12 PM, Doug Barton wrote:

We can point to all kinds of examples that are outside the IETF of where
various biases exist. It's not at all clear that the existence of those
problems elsewhere corresponds to any actual problem within our

That is NOT to say that we don't have a problem, only that making
conclusions based on unrelated data is bad science.

On the other hand, every organization thinks it is special, and most
aren't. :-)

I thought I made it clear that I'm not saying, "there is no problem." I am only saying that pointing to other, unrelated situations and saying "They seem to have a problem, so we must have a problem" is a waste of everyone's time.

The more interesting questions are whether or not the current makeup of the IETF leadership is reflective of the population (nee "membership") of the IETF as a whole; and whether or not the IETF population reflects the larger population of the tech community it draws from. Those are problems that outreach, mentorship, etc. can make concrete impacts on.

But until we understand what WE are dealing with (as opposed to what other organizations are dealing with) we're not going to make any actual progress.


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