  First, as a comment, I guess there is people who follow more IETF remotely 
than other in place.
  Second, I like this idea of changing the threshold.
  Third, In the other hand, since there are several positions that are fill 
using this RFC maybe we can place a testbed. 50% can be fill using the current 
way and 50% using the proposed way, sounds crazy but it might be a good 



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-----Original Message-----
From: Olafur Gudmundsson <o...@ogud.com>
Sender: ietf-boun...@ietf.org
Date: Thu, 27 Jun 2013 07:06:36 
To: S Moonesamy<sm+i...@elandsys.com>
Cc: Internet Whining TF<ietf@ietf.org>
Subject: Re: The Nominating Committee Process: Eligibility

On Jun 27, 2013, at 5:50 AM, S Moonesamy <sm+i...@elandsys.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> RFC 3777 specifies the process by which members of the Internet Architecture 
> Board, Internet Engineering Steering Group and IETF Administrative Oversight 
> Committee are selected, confirmed, and recalled.
> draft-moonesamy-nomcom-eligibility proposes an update RFC 3777 to allow 
> remote contributors to the IETF Standards Process to be eligible to serve on 
> NomCom and sign a Recall petition ( 
> http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-moonesamy-nomcom-eligibility-00 ).
> Could you please read the draft and comment?
> Regards,
> S. Moonesamy

I read the draft, I think there might be some merit to this proposal but I 
think the threshold issue should be clarified. 
What does "one of the last five mean" during an IETF meeting? 

I think the threshold of having attended one meeting is too low, I would relax 
the rule to say something like this:
"must have attended at least 5 meetings of the last 15 and including one of the 
last 5". 
15 meetings is 5 years, I know that is a long time, t this will allow people 
that that have been involved for a long time but have limited 
resources to attend to participate in Nomcom/recall processes. 

Q: do you want to limit how many "infrequent" attendees can be on Nomcom just 
like the number of people from a single organization can sign a
recall ? 


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