If I had known this was taking place I might have made the trip to Berlin.

I am very interested in the problem this tries to solve. I think it is the
wrong way to go about it but I am interested in the problem.

The case for having some sort of local name discovery mechanism is clear in
both the enterprise and the home network. The case for that discovery
mechanism responding to DNS queries in the local namespace is equally clear.

Thinking of this problem as how to clients configure their DNS entries is
completely the wrong way to go about it. Setting up a new network service
requires more than poking the DNS with a stick.

On Fri, Jul 26, 2013 at 7:37 PM, Tim Chown <t...@ecs.soton.ac.uk> wrote:

> On 26 Jul 2013, at 23:31, John C Klensin <john-i...@jck.com> wrote:
> --On Friday, July 26, 2013 22:48 +0100 Tim Chown
> <t...@ecs.soton.ac.uk> wrote:
> That means the charter agreed from the bashing of the draft
> charter in the previous 40 minutes, not that a charter is
> already agreed.
> If there is something to be bashed for those 40 minutes, I'd
> expect a link to at least a skeleton first draft. I note that
> draft charter does have a link from the meeting materials page,
> just not from the agenda.   But, modulo the comment below, that
> is a matter of taste to be working out between you, Ralph, and
> the IESG.
> The draft charter was placed where they usually are, on the BoF wiki.  But
> I added a link to a specific draft charter file when I updated the agenda,
> see https://datatracker.ietf.org/meeting/87/agenda/dnssdext/.
> The other "problem" for mdnsext is that the second BoF has been given a
> different name, for various reasons, but that does make it a bit harder to
> locate the mail list and draft.
> True. Though the chair names are on the posters linked in the
> materials page, which I assume is well-advertised to newcomers
> as access to slides is rather important.
> As far as I know, the only "advertisement" is the link from the
> "Agendas and Meeting Materials" section of the main meeting page
> and the similar links from the Meetings entry on the IETF home
> page.  Now I'd personally like to see the "New Attendees"
> category on the main meeting page changed to "New Attendees and
> Participantes" and then including a link to a page that would
> give hints about where these things are and how to navigate
> around them.  But that fairly clearly won't happen before Sunday
> and YMMD.
> Well, I would certainly agree that the meeting materials page/area needs
> to be well advertised, if it isn't already, but I don't know what
> additional information newcomers are pointed at, not being one.
> And also on the BoF wiki, which you should know about.
> Yep.  I know about it and where to find it.  But, as I explained
> in my note to Brian, I'm a lot more concerned about newcomers
> and remote participants without years or experience than I am
> about what I can find if I remember all of the reasonable places
> where I might look.
> While we/you can try to guess what the problems are, it may be better to
> surveymonkey those who registered as newcomers in a couple of weeks and ask
> them about their experience, whether they were aware of certain things, and
> what could be done better.
> Tim

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