> I just followed http://www.iana.org/assignments/enterprise-numbers.html
> From RFC3315 (DHCPv6)'s reference section.  Ten years later, the URL
> doesn't work.
> I know that things were reworked when we went to XML based storage, but
> I thought that the old URLs would at least have a 301 error on them.
> I discovered that dropping the .html gets me the right data at:
>   http://www.iana.org/assignments/enterprise-numbers

Yes: that's the form that IANA would like you to use.  They changed
their registries from HTML to XML, and the URLs changed.  Supposed
they should decide to turn them all into JSON (aieeeeeeeee!)... the
URLs would change again.  But the suffix-less version will always

When I've done AD reviews of documents that cite IANA URLs, I've given
the authors that feedback, and suggested the change to the suffix-less
URLs.  I also intend to suggest to IANA (thanks to a document author,
and I've since forgotten who it was; sorry) that they post permalinks
in all the registries, so people will know which URL they ought to
use, and not have to guess.

Barry, Applications AD

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