On Aug 5, 2013, at 7:29 AM, John C Klensin <john-i...@jck.com> wrote:

> As
> far as CC is concerned, I'm not persuaded that it meets out need
> but not persuaded that it would cause great harm for
> non-standards documents either.

At the risk of opening up the paint cabinet inside the bike shed: what do you 
think meets our "need"? I ask this specifically about the Tao, the document 
that was brought up as a good use for the Creative Commons 
Attribution-ShareAlike ("BY-SA") license (see 
<http://creativecommons.org/licenses/>). That license seemed to meet the desire 
(not need) to make the Tao more easily distributed to a wider audience, in 
multiple languages, and thus open the IETF up to more people.

--Paul Hoffman

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