On 8/16/13 9:53 AM, John C Klensin wrote:
> As someone who favors charging remote participants, who has paid
> most or all of the travel and associated costs for every meeting
> I've attended in the last ten plus years, and who doesn't share
> in a view of "if I can, everyone can", let me make a few
> observations.

I think these are good points, and I'd like to add: the extent to
which there's now an expectation that someone must participate in
a meeting in order to contribute to work is the extent to which
there's been a gradual shift in working methods in the organization,
and effectively reflect a loss (to whatever extent) of openness.

We can stay free and open if mailing lists remain the locus of
the IETF's work.  The costs associated with remote participation
have to be borne by someone; the marginal cost of someone joining
an existing mailing list is effectively zero.


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