
Quoting Abdussalam Baryun <abdussalambar...@gmail.com>:

I always think the problem of not understanding a message in IETF is
not the fault of the transmitter, but it is the receiver's fault. The
receiver SHOULD make more efforts to understand, or send a reply to
request clarifications (specially in IETF WGs when discussing
technical issues). The fault cannot be the used-language or the way
the language is used, but the fault can be low performance of
communication or low purpose of such work at receiver end.

the problem is that when one is arguing against the opinion of another person, it is very easy for the recipient to respond "you do not write well and I do not understand" and so disqualify his opponent.

I think that isn't being applied the concepts of Jon Postel: "Be conservative in what you do, be liberal in what you accept from others".


Eduardo A. Suarez
Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísicas - UNLP
FCAG: (0221)-4236593 int. 172/Cel: (0221)-15-4557542/Casa: (0221)-4526589

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