On 17 September 2013 21:10, Tony Hansen <t...@att.com> wrote:

> What would the ORCID reference look like? My understanding is that it
> would look like this: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-0437-3333

That is correct.

> Very few people use the uri element in the author block. (I count zero
> in the currently extant internet-drafts XML files.) Its intended use
> really is for the author to put in whatever URI they care to that helps
> identify them. Its usage is directly parallel to a person's postal, fax
> and email addresse. So plugging an ORCID into the URI element seems to
> fit that usage perfectly.

What address block? Please refer to the listing of my name in RFC
6350; noting that I am not listed as an "author".

Andy Mabbett

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