Mark Nottingham wrote:

>> Not necessarily.
>> The proper protection is to avoid cloud services and have our
>> own end systems fully under control of ourselves.
>> Toward the goal, IETF should shutdown all the cloud related
>> WGs and never develop any protocol to promote cloud service.
> I draw the opposite conclusion, actually. With good standards,
> we can encourage a larger number of services to exist,
> raising the cost of monitoring them all.

Cost for monitoring should be large?

Then, protocols not have any authoritative specification and
should never be standardized and there should be no central
authority to manage different versions of the protocols.

> I should be able to choose my own data sync server, whether
> it's one I run, or one run by my paranoid friend, or by a
> local company, or a US company that's in bed with the NSA.

The only secure way is to run your own.

> Good standards allow that to happen.

I'm afraid you want to increase monitoring cost.

                                                Masataka Ohta

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