On Sep 26, 2013, at 3:12 PM, Chris Griffiths <cgriffi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Sep 24, 2013, at 6:11 PM, SM <s...@resistor.net> wrote:
>> At 23:48 02-08-2013, Chris Griffiths wrote:
>>> Issue 1
>>> We have recently been asked permission to republish the TAO with a creative 
>>> commons license, but according to counsel, the current trust agreement does 
>>> not give the trustees the rights to do this.
>>> - Without specific language being added to the trust agreement, we cannot 
>>> grant these types of requests.
>>> - The current open request for a creative commons license from 6/18/2013 
>>> cannot be completed.
>> In term of "outgoing" rights the Independent Submission Stream is different 
>> from the IETF Stream.  The draft version of the Tao might offer a path 
>> forward.  Would it be possible to have it submitted through the Independent 
>> Submission Stream and use that version and changes to address the above 
>> request?
>> I haven't looked into the process stuff.  It might be possible [1] to sort 
>> that out once the legal hurdles are settled.


I wanted to follow-up with this specific request and advise that based on 
discussions with legal council and feedback from the Trustees that the current 
rules don't allow granting permission to republish this using the Independent 
Submission Stream, nor to grant a Community Commons license.  At this time we 
also do not have community consensus to prioritize a change to the rules in 
order to meet this request.

Thank you 

Chris Griffiths

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