Khalid, what you can do is to note how much the higher energy (at energy E1)
feature is shifted from what you think it should be (let's say by the amount
of D eV), provided that you fixed the lower energy point to what you wanted
(say, E0). Then, you should transfer the data into a spreadsheet and apply
linear scaling:


E --> E0 + (E-E0)*D


It will ensure that in the range between E0 and E1 the data are linearly
stretched or compressed, depending on the sign of D.






From: Khalid, Syed [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, September 08, 2008 12:21 PM
Subject: [Ifeffit] enrgy-axis-expansion


Is it possible in Athena to change the y-axis (energy
scale) at two different energy points of an EXAFS scan?

I have a Ni foil spectrum as a function of time.
The edge can be set at 8333.0 eV, and I want to
to assign higher energy to a known feature in the Ni scan.

Syed Khalid
725D, National Synchrotron Light Source
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Upton, NY 11973

Ph: 631-344-7496
FAX: 631-344-3238

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