Dear Fiona,

I think it would be pretty unusual for transmission and fluorescence
data measured at the same time to be of comparable quality and both be
"noisy-but-good-enough" that merging would actually help.  Are you
sure that the data a similar enough (no pinhole or self-absorption
effects) that it really helps to merge the different data sets?

Perhaps posting example data would be a good idea.


On Mon, Aug 10, 2009 at 5:13 PM, <> wrote:
> Dear XAFS community members,
> I have a question concerning data merge. We normally collect XAFS data in
> both transmission mode and fluorescence mode. We normally have to merge a
> few scans to enhance signal-to-noise ratio. For one particular sample, I
> want to know if it is legitimate to merge its transmission scans with its
> fluorescence scans to improve data quality?
> I appreciate any input.
> Regards.
> Fiona Kizewski
> North Carolina State University
> Department of Chemistry
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