Sorry for the typo.  The download is at


On Fri, Sep 3, 2010 at 10:08 PM, Matt Newville
<> wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> With help from Ken McIvor and Jeff Terry,  I've built a new version of
> iXAFS for Mac OS X.  This version should be considered experimental,
> but for the brave and/or foolhardy please try it out and let us know
> how it works. This version offers the latest versions of Athena,
> Artemis, and Hephaestus, and the latest version of Ifeffit.    It is
> meant to be universal (for x86_64, i386, and ppc), though I have not
> fully tested this.
> The download is fairly large (~74Mb), mostly because it includes a
> full distribution of Perl built right in (so it doesn't interfere with
> the system Perl).  It also provides a "complete" Unix shell-like
> environment that can be used for those who need it.  For example, a
> python module is included that can be installed.
> The disk image is at
>   This should be
> able to be installed by dragging the iXAFS application to any folder.
> To use the Unix shell, you'd put
>   . /Applications/
> in your .profile or from a bash Terminal command prompt (assuming you
> installed to /Applications/).  To  install the Python module,  first
> run above, then
> copy and unpack
> /Applications/
> and run 'python install'.
> Again, this should be considered a beta release.  Please be willing to
> look for and report problems.
> Cheers,
> --Matt

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