Hi Joel, All,

Yes, sorry for that.  I'm still learning how to do this.  Here's the
latest news (some progress, incomplete):

With Jeff's earlier message I looked into and solved at least one of
the problems:  that /Users/Newville/Codes/ifeffit/local/bin/perl
was all over the place and expected.  Of course, this worked when I
tested it on my own machine!!    I also found an issue with png

I put a 3.0.1 dmg with these changes at

I believe this may work on 10.6 systems.

I tried this on a 10.5.7, i386 system (Julie's).  The main iXAFS app
runs, but  I unfortunately get 'dyld' loading errors for all
executables (including perl and ifeffit).    I do not understand this,
as thhe executables are definitely listed as "universal", ut I suspect
it is a x86_64 v i386 issue.    If anyone does understand this, please
let me know.  FWIW, the machine I'm building on is less than 3 months
old, so I think it's x86_64, but 'arch' and 'uname -p' report i386.
On the build machine, running
   arch -x86_64 ifeffit
runs fine.
   arch -i386 ifeffit
runs, but Aquaterm does not generate a plot (using PGPLOT_DEV=/XS does
generate a plot with both settings).   So my sense is that my box is
really x86_64, but reports i386 and this may be causing trouble on
real i386 machines.

What's stranger is that I also tried this on a very old G4 powerpc,
running 10.5.  Here the iXAFS.app does not run, and indeed
the iXAFS executable  (iXAFS.app/Contents/MacOS/iXAFS) is indeed i386
only.   But, the ifeffit application  DOES RUN(!!!) on this machine.
Perl runs too, but it appears I forgot to rebuild Ifeffit.pm for perl
after some change for png support because
 perl -e 'use Ifeffit' still complains about png support.  This is
fixable.  I'll look into making the iXAFS launcher application be

The python problem is definitely fixable too -- sorry for such poor testing!

If you or Jeff or someone else wants to try this v3.0.1 out, that
would be fine, but there are definitely "known problems".   I'll make
a v3.0.2 with the perl and python fixes today.  I'll look into the
i386 v x86_64 issues too, but that will take some research...



On Mon, Sep 6, 2010 at 7:34 AM, Brugger, Joel (SAM)
<joel.brug...@samuseum.sa.gov.au> wrote:
> Hi Matt,
> Not much luck with iXAFS3.0 so far.
> Under 10.5.8 (two macbooks), iXAFS crashes at startup.
> Under 10.6.4 (macbook pro), IXAFS opens, but clicking on 
> athena/Artemis/Hephaestus only opens an X11 terminal.
> I think that somehow the installer expects perl to live in /Users/Newville/:
> $ pwd
> /Applications/iXAFS.app/Contents/Resources/local/bin
> b$ artemis
> -bash: /Applications/iXAFS.app/Contents/Resources/local/bin/artemis: 
> /Users/Newville/Codes/ifeffit/local//bin/perl: bad interpreter: No such file 
> or directory
> $
> I also tried to install python, but something must be wrong with setup.py 
> since files are copied to /Users/Newville. I now have such an inhabitant on 
> my HD thanks to sudo, but even then the install failed. See details below.
> Hope it’s nothing traumatic!
> Thanks, JOEL
> JoelMacBook-Silver:IfeffitPython-2.0.0 joelb$ python setup.py install
> running install
> running build
> running build_py
> creating build
> creating build/lib
> creating build/lib/Ifeffit
> copying lib/__init__.py -> build/lib/Ifeffit
> copying lib/Ifeffit.py -> build/lib/Ifeffit
> copying lib/ifeffit_config.py -> build/lib/Ifeffit
> copying lib/shell.py -> build/lib/Ifeffit
> running install_lib
> creating /Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/Ifeffit
> copying build/lib/Ifeffit/__init__.py -> 
> /Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/Ifeffit
> copying build/lib/Ifeffit/Ifeffit.py -> 
> /Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/Ifeffit
> copying build/lib/Ifeffit/ifeffit_config.py -> 
> /Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/Ifeffit
> copying build/lib/Ifeffit/shell.py -> 
> /Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/Ifeffit
> byte-compiling /Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/Ifeffit/__init__.py to 
> __init__.pyc
> byte-compiling /Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/Ifeffit/Ifeffit.py to 
> Ifeffit.pyc
> byte-compiling /Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/Ifeffit/ifeffit_config.py to 
> ifeffit_config.pyc
> byte-compiling /Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/Ifeffit/shell.py to shell.pyc
> running install_data
> creating /Users/Newville
> error: could not create '/Users/Newville': Permission denied
> Running as SUDO:
> JoelMacBook-Silver:IfeffitPython-2.0.0 joelb$ sudo python setup.py install
> Password:
> running install
> running build
> running build_py
> running install_lib
> running install_data
> creating /Users/Newville
> creating /Users/Newville/Codes
> creating /Users/Newville/Codes/ifeffit
> creating /Users/Newville/Codes/ifeffit/local
> creating /Users/Newville/Codes/ifeffit/local/bin
> error: can't copy 'ifeffit_shell.py': doesn't exist or not a regular file
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