attached is the atoms input file

From: Carlo Segre <>
To: XAFS Analysis using Ifeffit <>
Cc: "" <>
Sent: Thu, September 9, 2010 2:45:20 PM
Subject: Re: [Ifeffit] atoms input file

It would help to attach your atoms file


Carlo Segre
Professor of Physics
Illinois Institute of Technology

On Sep 9, 2010, at 2:29 PM, mohamed sobhy <> wrote:

>I would like to fit the signal from  (U0.8Ce0.2)O2, so I tried to put Ce in 
>same position of U but all atoms generated files give no Ce in the scattering 
>paths and some fitting give negative amplitude values. Could you help me with 
>the Atoms input file?
>Ifeffit mailing list


Attachment: atoms input file.docx
Description: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document

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