Dear IFEFFIT list subscribers:

Those of you who may be interested in the XAFS short course at BNL (Nov 4-6, 
2010), please find the application form available online: 

The short course in x-ray absorption fine-structure (XAFS) spectroscopy will 
continue the annual NSLS tradition of gathering a group of scientists, active 
in the field, to share their expertise with those interested in learning this 
technique. The course will be useful for those scientists who already have 
hands-on XAFS knowledge in experiment and data analysis, and who would like to 
learn about advanced modeling methods, beyond the trivilal first-shell 
analysis. The course will include lectures, demonstrations, and data analysis 
sessions. Many common mistakes in the data analysis and some common examples of 
unphysical interpretations of the data, which are often overlooked, will be 
discussed. The course enrollment is limited to the 25-30 participants.

Best regards,

Anatoly Frenkel
Yeshiva University and Synchrotron Catalysis Consortium, NSLS


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