Dear Elsa,

It sounds like you want to adjust the data chi(k) so that deltaE0 is 0
in a fit.  Is that correct, or are you trying to do something else
(say, align the XANES)?    If that assumption is correct, you want to
change the E0 used to extract chi(k) from the experimental spectra --
the E0 of the background subtraction.  That is what sets k for the

If that's not clear or not the right question, let us know,


On Mon, Sep 27, 2010 at 2:00 PM, Elsa E. Sileo <> wrote:
> I need to align a measured spectra to a theoretically calculated spectra.
> I fitted the first shell obtaining values for deltaE0, sigma^2; delta R and
> amplitude.
> Then, using the obtained values, and making deltaE0=0, I got the theoretical
> signal.
> But I do not know how to use this last theoretical fit to align the spectra.
> Can somebody help me?
> Thanks,
> Elsa
> Dra. Elsa E. Sileo
> Solidos Inorganicos
> INQUIMAE - Dto. Qca. Inorganica, Analitica y Qca. Fisica; FCEN, UBA
> Int. Güiraldes 2160, Pabellón 2, Piso 3, Ciudad Universitaria - C1428EHA
> CABA - Argentina
> Tel: (54 11) 4576 3380 ext. 113
> Fax: (54 11) 4576 3341
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