
> OK, I've got it straight now. The answer is yes, the distortion from
> nonuniformity is as bad for four strips stacked as for the single strip.

I don't think that's correct.

> This is surprising to me, but the mathematics is fairly clear. Stacking
> multiple layers of tape rather than using one thin layer improves the signal
> to noise ratio, but does nothing for uniformity. So there's nothing wrong
> with the arguments in Lu and Stern, Scarrow, etc.--it's the notion I had
> that we use multiple layers of tape to improve uniformity that's mistaken.

Stacking multiple layers does improve sample uniformity.

Below is a simple simulation of a sample of unity thickness with
randomly placed pinholes.  First this makes a sample that is 1 layer
of N cells, with each cell either having thickness of 1 or 0.  Then it
makes a sample of the same size and total thickness, but made of 5
independent layers, with each layer having the same fraction of
randomly placed pinholes, so that total thickness for each cell could
be 1, 0.8, 0.6, 0.4, 0.2, or 0.  Then it makes a sample with 25

The simulation below is in python. I do hope the code is
straightforward enough so that anyone interested can follow. The way
in which pinholes are randomly selected by the code may not be
obvious, so I'll say hear that the "numpy.random.shuffle" function is
like shuffling a deck of cards, and works on its array argument

For 10% pinholes, the results are:
# N_layers | % Pinholes | Ave Thickness | Thickness Std Dev |
#     1    |  10.0      |    0.900      |    0.300          |
#     5    |  10.0      |    0.900      |    0.135          |
#    25    |  10.0      |    0.900      |    0.060          |

For 5% pinholes:
# N_layers | % Pinholes | Ave Thickness | Thickness Std Dev |
#     1    |   5.0      |    0.950      |    0.218          |
#     5    |   5.0      |    0.950      |    0.097          |
#    25    |   5.0      |    0.950      |    0.044          |

For 1% pinholes:
# N_layers | % Pinholes | Ave Thickness | Thickness Std Dev |
#     1    |   1.0      |    0.990      |    0.099          |
#     5    |   1.0      |    0.990      |    0.045          |
#    25    |   1.0      |    0.990      |    0.020          |

Multiple layers of smaller particles gives a more uniform thickness
than fewer layers of larger particles. The standard deviation of the
thickness goes as 1/sqrt(N_layers).   In addition, one can see that 5
layers of 5% pinholes is about as uniform 1 layer with 1% pinholes.
Does any of this seem surprising or incorrect to you?

Now let's try your case of 1 layer of thickness 0.4 with 4 layers of
thickness 0.4, with 1% pinholes.  In the code below, the simulation
would look like
    # one layer of thickness=0.4
    sample = 0.4 * make_layer(ncells, ph_frac)
    print format % (1, 100*ph_frac, sample.mean(), sample.std())

    # four layers of thickness=0.4
    layer1 = 0.4 * make_layer(ncells, ph_frac)
    layer2 = 0.4 * make_layer(ncells, ph_frac)
    layer3 = 0.4 * make_layer(ncells, ph_frac)
    layer4 = 0.4 * make_layer(ncells, ph_frac)
    sample = layer1 + layer2 + layer3 + layer4
    print format % (4, 100*ph_frac, sample.mean(), sample.std())

and the results are:
# N_layers | % Pinholes | Ave Thickness | Thickness Std Dev |
#     1    |   1.0      |    0.396      |    0.040          |
#     4    |   1.0      |    1.584      |    0.080          |

The sample with 4 layers had its average thickness increase by a
factor of 4, while the standard deviation of that thickness only
doubled.  The sample is twice as uniform.

OK, that's a simple model and of thickness only.  Lu and Stern did a
more complete analysis and made actual measurements of the effect of
thickness on XAFS amplitudes.  They *showed* that many thin layers is
better than fewer thick layers.

Perhaps I am not understanding the points you're trying to make, but I
think I am not the only one confused by what you are saying.


import numpy

def make_layer(ncells, pinhole_frac):
    "make an array of cells of unity thickness with a pinhole fraction"
    data = numpy.ones(ncells)        # [1,1,1,1,1,...]
    pinholes = numpy.arange(ncells)  # [0,1,2,3,4,5,...]
    numpy.random.shuffle(pinholes)   # randmon pixel indices
    # set ncells*pinhole_frac randomly selected pixels to zero
    for pixel in pinholes[:int(ncells*pinhole_frac)]:
        data[pixel] = 0
    return data

print "# N_layers | % Pinholes | Ave Thickness | Thickness Std Dev |"
format = "#    %2i    |  %4.1f      |    %.3f      |    %.3f          |"

ph_frac = 0.01
ncells  = 100*100

# 1 layer of ~unity thickness
sample = make_layer(ncells, ph_frac)
print format % (1, 100*ph_frac, sample.mean(), sample.std())

# 5 layers giving ~unity thickness
layer1 = 0.2 * make_layer(ncells, ph_frac)
layer2 = 0.2 * make_layer(ncells, ph_frac)
layer3 = 0.2 * make_layer(ncells, ph_frac)
layer4 = 0.2 * make_layer(ncells, ph_frac)
layer5 = 0.2 * make_layer(ncells, ph_frac)
sample = layer1 + layer2 + layer3 + layer4 + layer5
print format % (5, 100*ph_frac, sample.mean(), sample.std())

# 25 layers giving ~unity thickness
nlayers = 25
sample =  make_layer(ncells, ph_frac)
for i in range(nlayers-1):
    sample = sample + make_layer(ncells, ph_frac)
sample = sample / nlayers
print format % (nlayers, 100*ph_frac, sample.mean(), sample.std())

### END ###
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