Hello All,

I am attempting to essentially extract the numbers behind the
graphical outputs of ARTEMIS and ATHENA.  Currently, the only way I
have been able to do this is to save a plot, then use third party
software to click points on the graph and extract the information,
which I can then analyze further and plot in ROOT.

I suppose I could try to abandon the GUI interface and write command
line scripts, writing out the arrays into text files as I go along...
but I'd rather not have to go that far under the hood if possible.

Does anyone know how I might extra this information from the GUI?  An
ATHENA example, say I plot the background subtracted signal in
k-space, is there a way of then finding the numbers that went into
forming this plot?

Thanks much,

Tony Kelly

Tony Kelly, M.Sc.
DTRA PhD Student
Air Force Institute of Technology
Nuclear Physics and Engineering
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