check the data, if at the end of files are some zeros or strange numbers or even empty line(maybe). That what you described can be exactly caused by problem with the data in file, eg. injection during measurements

W dniu 12-02-02 18:22, Tony Kelly pisze:
Hopefully this is not long winded, but I want to be as detailed with
the problem as I can be.  In the past, I have never had difficulty
importing data into Athena, given it was formatted properly.  It was
working as recently as last night, but suddenly I have a problem

1.  I open Athena
2.  I go to File->Open Files
3.  I click on the data file to bring me to the window where I choose
Energy, Numerator, Denominator for the data and any reference spectra,
4.  I choose the Energy, Numerator and Denominator

This is when the first moment of "oddness" happens... I don't get a
plot.  Normally, I would get a plot of the spectra I am about to
import to know if I selected the correct columns with the correct sign
(and whether a Log is needed).

5.  Confused, I continue anyway and import my choices.
6.  I then get the following error from Athena:

The following problems were found for group "Fe.060"
  1  : The edge energy is unset
  2  : The kmin for the forward transfer is negative (-2)
You should fix these values before continuing analysis of these data.

Note 1: I was trying with some old data that I have analyzed in the
past from Athena through Artemis and know to be okay for analysis.
Note 2: I then tried studying some MnO spectra by importing that data
taken during the 2011 XAFS Summer School in Chicago taken from APS.  I
know these text files to work, as we looked at them AT the summer
Note 3:  As a last resort, I tried downloading the Fe example from the
Athena website (as you can see above from Fe.060), but it can't even
read this in.
Note 4: Athena CAN open old projects where the data was already
imported without problems... it just seems I can't start a new project
and import data into it successfully.  I have tried searching all
through the internet for anyone who had the error above or my
difficulties to no avail.  I have tried making sure the line breaks
were correct by resaving data into new files through textwrangler and
even going through vim in a terminal, to no avail.
Note 5: As a last resort, I reinstalled iXAFS, but this hasn't fixed
the problem.

Anyone have any suggestions?  Am I suddenly forgetting a step in the
data import process?


Tony Kelly
Air Force Institute of Technology
Nuclear Physics and Engineering
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