
On Sat, Apr 21, 2012 at 3:47 AM, Stefano Luciano Ciurli
<stefano.ciu...@unibo.it> wrote:
> thanks Bruce! I hope to be able to use the OS X version soon! Congratulations!
> Stefano

Yes --  Thanks Bruce!   It looks great.

For OS X : I'm not sure if anyone else has tried to get Demeter
working on OS X.   It's been a few months  (and fairly busy with
non-Ifeffit things) since I've tried to build Demeter on OS X.   I ran
into some problems trying with wxPerl, and tried a couple different
"Perl for OS X" variations.  My recollection is that there were
slightly different problems with the different combinations.   As for
Windows (and the current iXAFS app), the idea would be to have a
dedicated, isolated version of Perl that ran Demeter etc.   Once that
works, packaging it into an App is not hard (or, at least a solved
problem).    I'll try again, but if anyone out there is interested in
trying to work on this, that would be a big help.

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